Innovative teaching methods

Innovative forms of teaching

Education at OEG is based on knowledge and real life experience and aims at preparing the students for participation and active involvement in the diverse society of the future. Our teaching takes place in different teaching environments, such as:


  • Traditional classes in open or closed classrooms
  • Group-based learning environments
  • Individual acquisition of knowledge through online teaching
  • Real life cases taught in cooperation with external partners.

We value group-based learning which trains the students in cooperating with different people and lets them discuss important and difficult subjects with respect for each other’s differences. In addition, group discussions provide the students with a larger perspective on the specific topic, because they are confronted with opinions which deviate from their o

An architecture that supports varied teaching

The open plan building is created to nourish our varied didactic forms – aiming at a flexible and structured use of different learning environments. The teachers must vary their teaching to fit the building. Your day is scheduled as a mixture of different types of classrooms. Some of them make traditional lectures impossible. Instead the teaching focuses on learner-involvement, and student activation. This environment creates ideal possibilities for project-based learning and innovative learning processes.


“The open and bright room affects my concentration and my focus positively in class. The fact that there is air around me, brings air to my thoughts.”

Alisa – senior student at Ørestad Gymnasium.


All activities are visible to everybody, in order to facilitate communication and inspire one another. By virtue of the open floor-plan, the students learn responsibility for the learning community, creating a mutual respect between students and teachers. Even though more than 1000 students attend the school, there is a surprisingly calm atmosphere in the building, as the students quickly learn to take responsibility for each other.

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